Moving the Goal Posts...

Deena Kastor once said, "A goal is just an awesome way to force growth on yourself."

With that in mind, I’m thinking of how I want to grow as a runner in 2016. That means setting some goals and figuring out how to reach them.

My first goal: run another 50K and improve my performance.

There are three things I need to do better if I’m going to do this.

  1. I need more disciplined training. I’m good at doing my weekend long runs, but I slack off with the shorter midweek runs. I know I can’t do that and expect my running to get better.
  2. I’ve got to be better about “maintenance" stuff – stretching and rolling those muscles that I’m beating up. Especially my calves, which have caused me problems for the past year and a half – I’ve got to treat them more aggressively.
  3. I need to improve my nutrition. I’ve learned how to get enough calories and to carbo load pretty effectively, but I really want to optimize my diet in all areas – pre-run, during run and post-run. M&Ms and Reeses may get sugar into my system, but I'm sure there are better foods I should be using.

I think I’ve found the 50K I want to do: the Siskiyou Out Back (SOB) 50K down near Ashland, OR. Elevation around 6500’ and about 4200’ of gain in the course should make it pretty tough. Definitely tougher than the Mount Hood 50K I did last summer. My uphill running is pretty solid, but it can always improve! The elevation shouldn’t bother me too much. I did the marathon at Crater Lake, which is also around 6500’, and I didn’t feel any effects up there. Can you tell I like running in the mountains? Registration is only 50 bucks (!), which just makes this race all the more appealing!

There's a cool video of the course here:

So this goal will lead to my second goal: run the 40 mile Timberline loop around Mount Hood. This won't be a race, but it's been a personal goal of mine since I started trail running. I'm also planning to summit the mountain earlier in the year. I considered doing both in one go, but the optimal time to summit the mountain is in late spring and the best time to do the loop around it is in late summer.

This would be my longest run ever, and with 10,000’ of elevation gain, it’s sure to be a tough one. I’m planning to do this three weeks after the 50K, hopefully with a friend who’s done it before and knows the way. I don’t want to get lost!

The 50K is on July 23rd, which would put the Timberline run in mid August. The weather will be dry enough that the river crossings around Hood will be easier, so that works out well. I would start training up for the 50K towards the end of March.

Until then, I’ll just keep my base shored up with about three runs a week, short, medium and long, and keep working on my overall fitness with weight training and conditioning routines. I always feel better when I have some new goals, and I'm excited by all the trails still waiting for me to explore them!

Just keep moving, dude!